Monday, October 15, 2007


I think U2 is primarily singing about the current struggles due to religion in Ireland. The Irish are becoming increasingly tired and worn-out of fighting as indicated in the line "When I first met you girl, you had fire in your soul. What happened your face of melting in snow". U2 is using snow as a symbol for the lack of passion and coldness now experienced by the Irish people; "she" is most likely meant to be the country itself. The song contrasts the ways in which the people can handle the hopelessness they are feeling by saying you can swallow or throw it up, but basically if you choose to swallow then you are succumbing to the violence and suppression. U2 says "I know you'd hit out if you only knew who to hit" probably referring to the fact that there is no real right answer to the Irish situation. The English government is being oppressive and the Catholic minority is supporting the IRA which is using sheer violence and terror to try to break from Britain. Protestants want to remain loyal to Britain. "Yeah I'd break bread and wine, if there was a church I could receive in" is an obvious allusion to the religious struggles of the country.

This song is somewhat similar to The Handmaid's Tale in that it relates greatly to and is critical of religion. The song says don't believe what you hear or see, you can feel the enemy. Those lines reminded me of the Eyes and how the people in The Handmaid's Tale are all suspicious and therefore keep their thoughts to themselves in fear of being arrested or worse. This must be similar to the situation in Ireland, in which no one knows who can be trusted. "And I'd join the movement if there was one I could believe in"-this line reminded me of the "underground" network that Offred joined and how it had taken her so long to trust Ofglen because she didn't know what her true opinions were.

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